Student Nº 1: Jeison Jimenez

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Step 1: Answers to questions

1.    ¿What should English Language Learning (ELT) materials have?

       The process of teaching and learning English is the result of the reflex act performed by the teacher, which allows him to make decisions for the benefit of his students, where the act of teaching and learning considers each of the members participating in the reality of the classroom and is strengthened from the motivations, needs and ideas that are involved in this process, from this information, teachers can feed back the teaching methodologies in the classroom, accommodate them and make them flexible to meet the needs and ways to learn from each student.

2. Please, explain the main on the following question: ¿Proposals for Principled Approaches to the Development of ELT Materials?

   The teacher of an education classroom I must provide a safe, motivating and stimulating environment. The students need a context that suggests multiple possibilities of action, which is a key stage for their cognitive and personal development, where they can capture the students' attention and awaken their interest, but they also mean a help for the teacher to the Time to work.


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Step 2: To Stablish Theoretical Foundation For Designing Teaching Material

1.    Listening activity: you must choose a video on “Customs and Traditions of your district”. Then, you must ask ten (10) questions from the video in a Word file attaching link.

Link of the video Patron Saint celebrations of Aguachica Cesar:

1. On what date are the celebrations of Aguachica Cesar?
2. What is the name of the girl who starts the video?
3. What is the first educational center shown in the video?
4. For how many soldiers are formed in the Aguachica battalion?
5. What is the third presenter that comes out during the video?
6.  How old is Aguachica Cesar?
7. What educational education is mentioned last?
8. that is celebrated in the first week in the educational institutions?
9. What are the names of the corregimientos that are part of the patron saint celebrations of Aguachica Cesar?
10. What kind of music sounds and is mentioned in the course of the video?

2. Reading activity: you must choose a topic on “local food” or “folklore of your district” in English; then, you must ask for ten (10) questions from the topic in a Word file attaching link.
Link of video of Local food or folklore

1.      In the history of our people, what is the typical dish of Aguachica César?
2.      What are the three hotels mentioned in the video
3.      what is the name of the presenter of the video
4.      What is the name of the interpreter of the song "party of my people"?
5.      How many years have super chicken serving the community?
6.      How old is super chicken serving the community?
7.      What is the name of the green lung in the Aguachica center?
8.      What is the Aguachica icon represented on an animal?
9.      What is the presenter's second pastime?
10.  What place would you like to visit in Aguachica Cesar?

Resultado de imagen para imagenes animadas escribiendo estudiantes en movimiento

Aguachica is a municipality located in the south of the department of César, its people are friendly and cordial, has several sites in a natural way as the forest of the tree, in this is a great diversity of fauna and flora and is considered the green lung Township. In addition, there is the viewpoint Cerro de la Cruz, a place of religious pilgrimage in the month of May and in which you can see a panoramic view of the municipality. Also as a religious tourist site is the San Roque parish church that details the foundation of the municipality and adorns the center of the city with its architectural beauty of the last century and its altarpiece made by hand by Spanish artisans and is like a municipal historical heritage . On the outskirts of the municipality are also the natural resorts of the greatest Norean located 10 minutes where the own and strangers marvel at the diversity of the fauna and flora that surrounds and realizes that to calm down in its gulch the inclement heat that makes in the municipality. Likewise, there are different sports stadiums of greater importance, the stadium and the patinodromo modern architectural structures that adorn the area where they were built.
  1. Where is Aguachica located?
  2. Why is the agüil forest considered as a green lung in aguachica?
  3. From where can you see the panorama of the municipality?
  4. What can be found in Norean spa?
  5. Why is the San Roque parish church important?



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